Butt hair

Hi, I may have a really weird question but are there men who are depilating their buttocks slit? My friend recently crawled naked under the bed to look for something and then I saw his hairy butt crack …… yuck

...Haha waxing !! He does that at most once! You are not well when you wax your butt crack (AUW! In 10 fold)
How do you want to wax that part at all, getting there with a razor is difficult enough!

Talk To Me About Butt Hair

I never thought I’d write. Not that butt hair is a rare thing: You have it, I have it, the Kardashians have it (or they did at one point, anyway). But even in a culture of oversharing, in which we talk openly about almost everything  this is one topic that nobody really touches (even though we all have questions)” “Vanity and hygiene are two of the reasons. You’re removing hair that could be caught with bacteria or areas that haven’t been properly wiped.

Hair depilatory powder

Specially for the private parts.
Painless and without irritation
For a clean and smooth result